Why overnight success isnt actually overnight


As CEO’s we navigate so many situations that most people don’t understand.

Those who have never owned a business and also those who haven’t stepped fully from entrepreneur to CEO of a company and life long legacy. 

We’re asked to step into a power and trust that not many are willing to navigate. 
We are faced every single day with our deepest fears. 

The shadows of our design are highlighted and brought forward to be fully seen as part of daily life. There is no hiding here. 

We all face these situations. 
Nothing is picture perfect. 

Overnight successes are not actually overnight.. 

Entrepreneurship is a spiritual path, 
Self development on steroids. 

We gotta love the journey. 
We gotta fall in love with the lows just as much as our highs.

We have to love who we’re becoming. 

Every day more stripping back layers of conditioning. 

Have you ever watched the sky during the day and seen the moon there? 
The moon and the sun can exist at the same time. 
So can happiness and sadness coexist at the same time. 

You don’t need to be high vibe all of the time to receive money and clients, 
To receive the best support. 

Money is here to support you. 
Money is here to help fulfill your ultimate soul path. 
Money is a beautiful source of expansion. 

Expand your power. 
Expand your aura. 
Expand your capabilities to receive and allow more. 

Money has nothing to do with your worth. 

Your worth - is limitless.

When we can begin to hold ourselves in the duality of both human and multi dimensional being 

It is then, we discover who we truly are.


A quick guide to your human design


I want to put Millions in the hands of women